Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement for Tranche 2 AML

Effective Date: 2 December 2023

1. Introduction: Tranche 2 AML is dedicated to upholding ethical standards and preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. This statement outlines our commitment in line with relevant international laws.

2. Business Overview: Tranche 2 AML, a digital content business, operates straightforwardly and mainly depends on third-party suppliers and technology vendors. Our services are focused on sharing informative and helpful content for those interested in AML/CTF and Tranche 2 AML reform.

3. Policy on Modern Slavery

  • We have a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and human trafficking. Our Editorial Policy and other internal controls around vendor risk assessment reflect our commitment to ethical practices.

4. Supply Chain Due Diligence

  • Given our reliance on third-party suppliers and technology vendors, we take the following steps to mitigate risks:
    • Risk Assessments: Regularly assess and monitor our supply chain to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery.
    • Supplier Vetting and Audits: Risk-based vetting processes for all suppliers and periodic audits to ensure compliance with our ethical standards.
    • Contracts and Agreements: If possible, we include specific clauses that mandate suppliers’ adherence to human rights and anti-slavery laws.

5. Training and Awareness

  • We provide training to our team to recognize and prevent modern slavery. This mainly focuses on those who manage or interact with our suppliers and vendors.

6. Measuring Effectiveness

  • We track our Effectiveness in combating modern slavery through the following:
    • Supplier audit results.
    • Training completion rates.
    • Feedback from supplier reviews.

7. Reporting Mechanism

  • Concerns about any breaches of our policy can be reported through

8. Commitment to Improvement

  • We regularly review our practices and policies to strengthen our approach against modern slavery and human trafficking.

9. Approval and Review

  • Our senior management team has approved this statement, and it will be reviewed annually or in response to any pertinent legislative changes globally to reflect our ongoing commitment.

Contact Information For further information about this statement, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

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